Monday, December 8, 2008

salvation is here

Remembering that salvation is here will enable us to be ready at any moment to live out G2. God has sent His son to be our salvation. Jesus came as a baby helpless and yet He was salvation. The angel said it, Mary believed it, Joseph heard it, Elisabeth said it, John the baptist jumped in the womb, and then the angels came from heaven to proclaim it. Salvation is here and it came in the form of a baby. Jesus was born and lived a life that we could not live and then died the death we could not die. Jesus was the greatest gift ever given. Are we living our lives as if salvation is here? We have the greatest gift, does our lives reflect that? Salvation gives us an amazing perspective on what mission is all about. Jesus mission was simple to come and save His people from their sins. Our mission is simple to obey and observe all that Jesus command us to . The great commission and the great commandment, G2 lived out.

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