Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Beatitudes Matthew 5:3-12

Matthew 5:12a Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven.

The beatitudes can be simply said sublime happiness. How do these teachings of Jesus apply to happiness? They apply to the way life is best lived. Jesus knew that life apart from him is filled with sin and sadness so he told us how to live. The beatitudes are the Christian life put into words. This is the road to happiness or satisfaction in Jesus Christ. They tell us about Christian character which leads to right living.
It is no wonder that Jesus would tell his disciples and us that when you live this way you will be treated poorly by the world around you, but take joy or rejoice for you have pleased your heavenly Father and your reward is in him. Jesus knows his people and what they need to understand life.
This year as we uncover the beatitudes through the “M5 Files” ask your self how does God want me to live or what do I need God to fix in me that I might live out this sublime happiness? What you are going to see is that God knows you inside and out, he knows what you need to be effective in his kingdom. God has a plan for his children so that they would look and live differently than the world.
The beatitudes will open your eyes to the life you have always wanted. They will show you how big and how perfect our God is. Jesus is the best teacher who ever walked the earth, open your hearts and let him show how life is best lived in his grace and mercy.

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