Friday, April 29, 2011

Matthew 6:25-34 Do not be Anxious

Matthew 6:25-34 Do not be Anxious:

We live with worry and anxiety about everything. Will I get a prom dress is there enough milk for my cereal, is the milk too expired. It is simply amazing how many and how long we will be worrisome and anxious.

The problem with worry and anxiousness is unbelief. Having to much and not enough is the samething: both are not trusting in the fact that God will provide. Unbelief.

We live in a place where we do not struggle with food, clothes and shelter. But be worry about all sorts of things that do not matter to life. Think about how simple the concept Jesus is referring to.  Life issues are basics not the complications you make. Work hard, do what is right, and trust the God provides for you. So many times we find that doing things our way makes the most sense. But that is not the way the world works best. God’s way is the way the world works best.

Here is the key to the whole issue found in V. 33 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Right “USE” ness: what are we seeking? the way things will be and the best way to do them. How do we focus on what we were saved for? God has called us to so much more than we truly believe. Are we willing to live lives that reflect the goodness and righteousness of God? He has a Right “USE” ness for us, to be like Jesus and live like he wins in the end! How do you think about future importance not temporal insignificance?

If God wins we should live like it.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Matthew 6:19-24

When I read this passage on storing up treasure I get distracted. Does that ever happen to you? You get distracted by words or ideas? Sometimes when I read the Bible esspecially the words of Jesus I get lost in pictures and illustrations. One thing that got me thinking in this passage the moment Jesus says "where your treasure is there your heart will be". What is amazing and distracting all at the same time is that this phrase is counter cultural in 2011. Treasure is not dependent on your heart. Your heart follows treasure. The world in all it's wonderful ways tells us to follow out heart let our heart be our guide and there we find happiness. It is an amazing process to think through. The fact is our heart is fickle, wishy washy it is not a good compass for life. Deciding on what your treasure is will give your heart a plan. If it is not Jesus than we have lost focus we have fallen off course. It is hard to come to grips with the fact that we have found something more beautiful than Jesus. We have proven our disbelief by our desire for something more than we desire Jesus. So fight the treasure lie, let your belief in Jesus be your treasure principle, if it is Jesus than you have heart direction. How will you seek the greatest treasure of all time?