Monday, January 26, 2009

The drama

Why do we love story so much? What is it about story that captures us. Have you ever thought that we were meant for drama, that we were were made to be interwoven into the greatest drama ever told? Man has always turned to story to describe beginnings, death;and the in between. Drama/story is principle to who we our. Think about that one family member who tells the best stories, you are captivated even if it is the same stories year after year. When story captivates us we talk about it. The movie you saw, the novel that moved you, there is a need for story to be told. Beyond the stories we want to tell, you and I are apart of the greatest story being told.

You and I are in the story of God. His(story). Think about all that God has done. He is involved in the greatest rescue the world has ever known. You and I are the object of rescue. What a joy to be consider as a story line, not by name but by personal transformation from the inside out. We have been pursued, ransomed, and redeemed. Who wouldn't want to write that into a movie script. You and I, for what ever reason tend to forget the rescue that came to us in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Where will it all end? In the glory of worship of the rescuer for all eternity in heaven. What a privilege to be in the story and to live out my life for the one who set me free. I can't wait for the day the story can be seen from beginning to end in the glorious hd of eternity.


Unknown said...

save the drama fo yo mamma

Anonymous said...

ok, Paul, that was bad :0 )