Monday, December 13, 2010

Who will be your savior?

The world ( culture) has a way of trying to convince you to believe It will be your savior. From the time we are young it promises hope, if you try hard enough. It promises satisfaction if you give your self to it. The world has been an overwhelming force of false hope, false satisfaction and a false sense of belonging. When the world is done with you it will leave you in the dust, with out a care or worry of your well being.

Jesus came that we would not be lost any longer! Through the blood of Jesus we are satisfied, find hope and belong to the greatest family. The amazing thing is that this is not new news. This is the good news of the last 2000 years! But for whatever reason most likely selfishness we push past what will fill us to what will fail us every time. Jesus never fails never gives up on his people. So who will be your savior the world(culture) or Jesus Christ? Who has your heart?

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