Monday, February 14, 2011

Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart

Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Can you imagine what it will be like to see God? Jesus tells here that we can see God if we are pure in heart. So what does this mean? Why does a pure heart also bring happiness? Why would “seeing God” be so far down the list in the Beatitudes? Remember what Jesus has been doing while teaching us. We need to realize that it is all about what He is doing in us to make us more like Himself.

Being pure in heart can simply be put as a single-minded love for God. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 22:37 what the greatest commandment is: to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength. Jesus wants all of us to be chasing Him to bring Him glory. Think about what pure means: free from anything of a different, inferior, or contaminating kind. When Jesus has our hearts and we live for him, all the things of this world are gone. Jesus knows that He has to be what we live for in order to see God.

Jesus knows our hearts very well. He knows that our hearts are divided. He wants us to have a heart that is united. Our hearts will normally want lots of things, and not just one thing. Jesus knows we will see God when we have one thing that we want; Jesus.
So, seeing God for sure will come in heaven, when we are with him forever. But how do we see God now? When all we want is to love God and be with Him we can see God in all the places of every day. God is active. He is always working for His people. We need to be focused on having our hearts in a single, passionate pursuit of Jesus with our eyes ready to see all that God is doing.

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