Monday, March 30, 2009

The kingdom life

I have be reading through the message trying to look for places where Jesus talks about the kingdom life. What amazes me, is what He is describing when he gives us the standard of living to follow Him. When i read the sermon on the mount i am blown away by how many cultural laws Jesus shuts down and then infuses kingdom living into them. The beatitude,s Matthew 5 talks about how to receive the kingdom, and how to represent the kingdom. Matthew 6 talks about the radical nature of the kingdom and it's benefits. Matthew 7 describes our relationship with God and who He is. The kingdom is not just and idea it is the way of life. Jesus came and the kingdom of God was what He established. Life is more than just being good it is about living for the kingdom and the one who brought you under its rule.

1 comment:

Megan Johnson said...

really encouraging!!! thanks.