Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Volunteer letter 7

God has blessed us to be a blessing. We have been given the riches of salvation (blessing) and now we can extend those riches to the children in our classes. Thank you for being faithful to speak the name of Jesus to these children. We know from Acts that there is no other name given among men by which we must be saved. What a blessing to no the power is not in us but in the name of our God and King.

We are quickly coming to a close of the school year session. I have been encouraged all year by your patience, persistence, and trust in our great God. As we are moving toward summer session and you maybe looking to a break, let me encourage you to finish strong. These little ones are apart of your flock for now and you are there shepherd under the great Shepherd. Allow them to see you pressing on towards the mark of the High calling of God that Philippians reminds us of.
You know your students and what your class needs to be successful. Please be looking for people in the church who you might encourage to fill your role in the classroom. You are our best recruiting tool; you know what we need and what works. God has blessed us in abundance with people through out the years to help leave a legacy for these children. You are apart of the legacy of evbc.

One of my favorite memories is of my 1st and 2nd grade Sunday school teacher’s Mr. and Mrs. Green. They were a young couple with out children who loved me. They would call and send cards. The thing I remember most was being able to go to a Detroit Pistons basketball game with Mr. Green; not for memorizing scripture or attendance, but because he desired to have a lasting impact on my life.

God has called us to love beyond our capacity with His love. Who needs the love of Christ in you from your room? Which child needs that extra encouragement? Who would you call to come along side of you in your mission to leave a legacy? We have more blessing than we always know what to do with. Lets give it away to the little ones of evbc.

I am praying for you and asking God to strengthen you in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 3:14-21

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