Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Erasmus Quote

A friend of mine gave me this quote in regards to education and Sunday school. I thought of this in line with the potential of preaching and teaching.

"I admit that your vocation is laborious, but I utterly deny that it is tragic or deplorable, as you call it. To be a school master is next to being a king. Do you count it mean employment to imbue the minds of your fellow-citizen in their earliest years with the best literature and with the love of Christ, and to return them to their country honest and virtuous men? In the opinion of fools it is a humble task, but in fact it is the noblest of occupations."

The joy of caring for people through instruction in Gods word. The goal to change them on the spot. To preach and teach straight to the heart. We desire to have God through the Holy Spirit move in them that they leave different not by our words but by Gods. Our love of people and there souls compels us to speak with authority and direction to be more like Christ.

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