Monday, May 4, 2009

what matters most...

Take some time and think about what matters most to you. I know you all want to say God or Jesus or wife and kids or something like that. Think hard what is it that you are striving for? How will you know when you have made it in this life? where are you going? Is what you are doing now what you are supposed to be doing?

OK i will stop with the questions. I am sure these are coming to fast to actually get them all straight. To be honest it should all come down to one thing. What is on the throne of your heart. All the questions are very purposeful questions when set in the frame of Jesus. Jesus is the guide for our life's direction He is G2. God, neighbor and world:s these three components only make sense when understood that only Jesus can make it possible to live them out. I am sure that you have answer for the above questions, but do you have the lenses and framework to answer them correctly. Any answer that is you or self focused, has a very skewed perspective. Its all because of Jesus I'm alive, it's because the blood of Jesus Christ that covers me. When this line of thinking invades us and sets our course then all falls into a great rhythm, Jesus rhythm.

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