Sunday, December 21, 2008

"if I had not come"

John 15:22

Gracious Christ, Lord and Savior, I stumble on your words, "If I had not come" and stunned by the realization of what I would not know and have if You had not come. Just to think about it sends a chill up my spine. And yet, each thought becomes a source of profound thanksgiving. You have exposed my need and met that need through Your life, death, and resurrection.

Thank You for revealing the true nature of grace. Through You I know about the width, length, depth, and height of love that passes understanding. Through Your teaching I know how to put first the kingdom and God's righteousness. In the cross I experience the forgiveness and cleansing of my sins. Your death defeated the power of death so I can be sure that this life is only a small part of eternity and that I shall live forever. You are reigning Lord of history and are able to take what I commit to You and bring Your best. You understand my confusion and give me calmness, You see my stress and give me serenity, You invade my perplexities and infuse Your peace. Praise You, Lord; I am a new person filed with the Spirit.

Guide me today as I think prayerfully about what life would be like. . . . if You had not come. Most of all, help me claim all that is mine because You came and continue to come.


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